Always Keep It Real, Always Keep It YOU!

So, I jumped on the bandwagon and saw the Barbie movie Saturday morning. I have to say it was way better than I thought! Let me just clear this up, this is not a review (no spoiler alerts!), it’s simply about this movie's impact on me and my business. It’s about how the movie relates to myself and my business.

I expected Barbie to be a plastic fantasy, a silly escape to Barbieland. However, early in the movie, I discovered I was wrong. The movie was all about being human and the beauty of that.

Entrepreneurial life isn’t an easy life, in fact, it can be incredibly hard. I don’t care if you're running a big company or a local coffee shop; you’re going to experience things that no one in this outside world understands. We are in a perpetual state of brainstorming, creating, networking, deadlines, meetings, connecting, and experiencing failures and wins. Some are leading teams and we’re all leading by example. When people learn that you own a business, they seem to automatically be inspired by you for your strength and perseverance.

However, we often see reports of many entrepreneurs struggling with mental health issues, with depression and anxiety being the most common. Entrepreneurs also tend to have higher rates of ADHD and Bipolar. It’s also been reported that addiction is more common in the entrepreneurial group. It has often been said this connection is from a sort of “predisposition” and the impact of this life.

I love being an entrepreneur; it’s such an empowering life. However, it is time we start discussing the more challenging times; a good conversation is a cornerstone of progress. It is so important that we remember, and truly remember, what we hear as we raise awareness for mental health. As a society, we have to realize we are all human and can’t always be so “strong” and “perfect”. We all know men are expected to be strong all the time and women are expected to be perfect, handling everything in their lives seamlessly and flawlessly. It’s ok to struggle; we need more acceptance, support, and kindness. Not only is it important to remember this for mental health awareness, but anytime for any “imperfections” we face as humans.

As an entrepreneur, the best advice I can give is to learn to connect. Take that time to connect with people, community, nature, and, most importantly, YOURSELF-it’s quite easy to get lost in the journey to success. It is also extremely helpful to have a good support group. I’m incredibly thankful to have an amazing family, group of friends, and fellow entrepreneurs to support me in this journey and in my personal life. Social media is also a wonderful place to go for that sense of understanding of what you’re going through. (just always make sure to find the right online communties for you.)

Keep being you and leading your business in an impactful and unique way. This is an excellent time to start working for that change we desperately need! Acceptance and understanding are key to building a kinder and more inclusive business world. Yes, strength and determination are necessary to reach our goals, but so is compassion. Let’s keep working towards it together! If you’d like to learn more about finding that community, specifically virtual communities, please reach out to


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